The EAN8 barcode, also known as an EAN-8 or an eight digit barcode, is a type of barcode that is widely used in the European Union for marking products. The barcode was created by the company JANCA in 1974 and is a subset of the more common EAN-13 barcode. The barcode consists of two pairs of mirrored bars that together represent a digit. The first pair of bars represent a digit from 0-9 and the second pair
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Text Margin
Enter the barcode value into the text box. As you type the barcode will instantly update. Some barcodes have encoding requirements, in those cases the barcode may not appear until the value has been completely entered.
Each of our barcode pages offer a set of options to customize the look and feel of your barcode. As you edit the barcode will be updated in realtime.
Now that you've finished creating your barcode, use the download PNG or PDF button. All generated barcodes are 100% free and can be used for whatever you want, including commercial purposes.